A Curated List of Awesome World of Warcraft Classic New Players Class Leveling 1-60 Guide From ICY VEINS
WoW Classic Druid Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Impakt) - Druids are exceptionally fast levelers, only slightly falling behind Hunters in speed. However, Druids also require much more work and finesse to play at…
WoW Classic Hunter Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Impakt) - While leveling, your time spent can be put into three categories: combat, downtime, and travel. Hunters are widely considered to be…
WoW Classic Warlock Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Impakt) - Warlocks are exceptionally quick solo levels that excel even more when placed in a group. They get early access to an…
WoW Classic Paladin Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Impakt) - Paladins are not exceptionally fast levels, they do offer a steady leveling pace combined with a free mount at Level 40 for a consistent, albeit slow experience…
WoW Classic Warrior Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Seksixeny) - Warriors have three talent trees: Arms, Fury, and Protection. Arms is the generally recommended leveling build, due to…
WoW Classic Rogue Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Abyssalwave) - Rogues have three talent trees: Assassination, Combat, and Subtlety. A Combat and Assassination hybrid is the…
WoW Classic Priest Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Niphyr) - Priests have three talent trees: Discipline, Holy, and Shadow. Shadow is the generally recommended solo leveling build from around level 40 and beyond, due to its…
WoW Classic Mage Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Seksixeny) - Mages have three talent trees: Arcane, Fire and Frost. Frost is the recommended leveling build due to its consistency and flexibility when…
WoW Classic Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (by Seksixeny) - Shamans have three talent trees: Enhancement, Elemental, and Restoration. Enhancement is the generally…
Learn more how to level WoW characters solo from level 1 to 120 the FASTEST way possible!